The team have had a very busy week working on the London County Council Tram from Crich Tramway Village and made huge progress. After completing the shotblasting last week, the next stage was to bring the surfaces back to a lovely smooth finish ready for painting.
The pitted areas of bare metal were filled with liquid metal, and once cured, this was sanded back to leave a perfect surface for paint. The chassis was then painted with red oxide primer and after some more smoothing and fettling it will now ready for the panels.
We’re expecting to start the hot riveting of the panels tomorrow and we’ll get some images of that. It’s a noisy old process, so ear defenders will be at the ready.
Garmendale Open day
If you are interested in the project, then we are having an open day this weekend (18th June) from 10.00 until 13.00 with the Garmendale engineering team and the team from Crich Tramway Village on hand to answer any questions. We’ll also have our own John Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine that has also just completed a refurbishment on hand and in full steam too.
There’s tea, coffee and bacon cobs, with tickets available here. Tickets are FREE but we’d ask that you give a small donation to Crich Tramway Village to help them with their work.